Department of Parks and Wildlife


Part of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (WA), the Parks and Wildlife services manage WA parks, forests and reserves for wildlife conservation, sustainable recreation and tourism, while protecting communities from bushfire.

There are 3 national parks within Esperance Nyungar country and numerous other nature reserves managed by Parks and Wildlife. We work with them to ensure significant Esperance Nyungars sites within parks are protected and appropriately managed, planning and implementing priority environmental protections works within parks.

In 2019/20, our relationship with Parks and Wildlife will deepen further as joint management of part of the conservation estate is implemented and we explore together the creation of a jointly managed marine park off the Esperance coast.




  • During bushfire emergencies in 2019, we worked at the fire-front with Parks and Wildlife to ensure that fire mitigation measures took into account cultural values in the landscape – a first collaboration of this kind in WA


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